I am a woman too introverted, but I love my body and I have always liked to touch myself, to feel desired and passionate to be talked to my ear; because they take me to the climax making love, I like you to try and play with me.

  • Nume: Sofia Koz
  • Vârstă: 23
  • Porniți:

    I love to be talked to my ear, when I hear your voice near my ears I know that I will feel a unique emptiness in my body, a climax. My body is very sensitive to your reactions to you touching me, talking to me and wanting to bring me to climax.

  • Categorie: Fete
  • Etnie: Latină
  • Tip de Corp: Slab
  • Mărimea Sânului: Mic
  • Lungimea părului: Lung
  • Culoarea părului: Negru
  • Nickname: SofiaKoz
  • Platform: Livejasmin
  • Evaluare:
  • Privat de la: $0.98
  • Etichete: AproapeCameltoeCapturăDansDildoGât profundTwerk